【New room! Okinawa resort area! Near the sea OKFP206】

Vacation Rentals, Homes, Experiences & Places - Airbnb ↓↓www.airbnb.com ↓↓☆ Delicious Japanese sweets. Souvenir list (^ ^) ☆http://blog.m.livedoor.jp/japanese_sweets_shop/www.airbnb.com Opened in August 2018! Renovation in the room is comp…

Welcome letter

改めまして!ようこそ!恩納村へ(^^)☆ 日々、感染症対策に気を緩める事が 出来ない日々が続いていますが 本日より!青い美しい海を眺めながら リフレッシュ出来る ご滞在になります様に。 心より願っています !(^^)! それでは、お部屋をご案内致します。 冷…

Welcome letter(English)

Hi ! Did you enter the room safely? Again! Welcome to Okinawa! Have a wonderful trip !(^^)! Just as a note, there are some sweets in the fridge for you. I hope you are going to enjoy it! Please use detergent and garbage bag as needed. Ther…

Welcome letter(繁体字)


Welcome letter(簡体字)


Welcome Letter(韓国)


House manual

"Journey to play". In Japan,"Airbnb" is introduced with such the catch phrase. I would like to greet a warm welcome to our guests visiting with such expectations. On the other hand, "There is no malice, and I did not think that it was an a…

House manual(日本語)


House manual(繁体字)

「如玩一樣的旅遊」。以這個主題來介紹「Air bnb」。對帶著這種期待來遊玩的客人,我,作為房主,非常熱情的歡迎您的到來.另一方面, 「沒有惡意也不覺得是打擾行為」這種對裡節的不同看法曾經造成過糾紛.尊重,理解每個人價值觀的不同,對來日本訪問的客人,我把裡…

House manual(簡体字)

「如玩一样地旅游」在日本如此介绍「airbnb」。虽然没有高级酒店一样的前台服务,「犹如在本地生活的舒适和与亲切人们的交流」,怀有这样期待的客人从远方而来,我们热烈欢迎这样的客人。 但是世界上有各种各样的生活习惯和意识,语言和交流上的困难也会造成…

【New room! Okinawa resort area! Near the sea OKFP206】

↓↓☆ Delicious Japanese sweets. Souvenir list (^ ^) ☆http://blog.m.livedoor.jp/japanese_sweets_shop/www.airbnb.com Opened in August 2018! Renovation in the room is completed! Furniture and interior are all new. Amenity is very substantial. …