
【New room! Okinawa resort area! Near the sea OKFP206】

Vacation Rentals, Homes, Experiences & Places - Airbnb ↓↓www.airbnb.com ↓↓☆ Delicious Japanese sweets. Souvenir list (^ ^) ☆http://blog.m.livedoor.jp/japanese_sweets_shop/www.airbnb.com Opened in August 2018! Renovation in the room is comp…

Welcome letter

改めまして!ようこそ!恩納村へ(^^)☆ 日々、感染症対策に気を緩める事が 出来ない日々が続いていますが 本日より!青い美しい海を眺めながら リフレッシュ出来る ご滞在になります様に。 心より願っています !(^^)! それでは、お部屋をご案内致します。 冷…

Welcome letter(English)

Hi ! Did you enter the room safely? Again! Welcome to Okinawa! Have a wonderful trip !(^^)! Just as a note, there are some sweets in the fridge for you. I hope you are going to enjoy it! Please use detergent and garbage bag as needed. Ther…

Welcome letter(繁体字)


Welcome letter(簡体字)


Welcome Letter(韓国)
